Photo by: HS Macapoli

Orientation on the basic rights and protection of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) at Sarip Alawi tent city, Balo-I, Lanao del Norte last Wednesday, April 25.


Duyog Marawi (DM) conducted an orientation on the basic rights and protection of the Internally Displaced People (IDPs) at Sarip Alawi tent city, Balo-I, Lanao del Norte last Wednesday, April 25.

The orientation was facilitated by DM Peace Zone team, headed by its Area Coordinator Juhaira Saidali . Ms. Sanabila Sabil of the Department of Social Welfare (DSWD) Region 10 conducted the orientation on the basic rights and protection of IDPs.  The barangay chairman of Sarip Alawi, Hom. Samsodin Balas were also present during the orientation.

According to Sabil, it is important to know and let the IDP’s be aware of the basic rights they have and should have. What they need tend to become their rights, she added.

“Kay gira kwan na so kailangan iyo na aya dimbaloy a kabnar’’, Sabil said.

The orientation aimed to let the IDPs be conscious of their rights so that discrimination among them will not be tolerated. It is also a way of imparting knowledge about the basic rights and protection they have regardless of culture, religion and tradition.

Some of the IDP’s expressed their happiness with regards to the knowledge they have learned. An IDP said that with the learnings they have absorbed they already know if their rights were being violated.

“Pantag saya sa siwa iran imanto na myakapiyapiya aya, kadaklan saya a IDPs na di nyan katawan so rights iyan o di na apya so kababaloy nyan a manosya na di nyan katawan so kabnar iyan, giya kyan discuss iran na myaka piyapiya,  apya visit bo na ogaid na malo madakl uto a kabnar o IDPs a kiyatukawan ami ron”, Jamal Ampatua Guro, 36, evacuee from Tuca Marinaut. (Regarding with this activity it is very helpful for us, many of the IDP’s do not know their rights or even how their rights as an individual. With this discussion, it is very overwhelming to hear it from them even though it’s just a quick visit for us but somehow we’re thankful because we’ve learned a lot.)

“Adn a kyatukawan akn imanto a kabnar akn bs uto na ogaid na da akn ma defend a ginawa akn ka di akn katawan, pantag uto sii ko mga pamamaggayan, gyoto a bae a mintin saya psung na oman saya sumong na pamakareceive kami ron sa mga rarata a ptaroon na pkabgan ami dun uto a lugar gyoto a marata iyan a kataro ka di ami uto katawan uba ami uto kabnar”, Guro added. (There is this right that I have learned today that I wasn’t aware of it before that it’s my right, I haven’t defended myself because I didn’t know that it’s my right. It’s about the distribution of relief goods, there is this certain woman that distributes relief goods to us but every time she went here we can always hear negative things and malediction from her but we tend to just ignore it because we didn’t know that our rights are being violated already, Guro added.) (BG Umpa / Duyog Marawi News)