Staff and Volunteers. Photo by D.R. Francisco / Duyog Marawi

MARAWI CITY, November 4, 2017—Preparations for a peace building workshop that will be held at the Mindanao State University are underway.

Duyog Marawi staffs and volunteers headed by Princess Aliya Sumpingan, project officer of the Duyog Marawi MSU sector started with a quick meeting today with Maila Sapinit, lay missionary assigned in Duyog Maarwi MSU, and with fulltime volunteers.

According to Sumpingan, the workshop is intended for the MSU students who were present in the launching of Duyog Marawi MSU sector last October 6-7, 2017 and who chose to be in the Peace Building program.

Initial preparations consisted in working on the program, certificates, name tags, and decoration materials for the venue.

“This is a workshop activity initiated by the Peace Building volunteers for MSU students,” Sumpingan added.

Sumpingan disclosed that the long-term objectives of the program are following: to create peace and build camaraderie; to educate them about the importance of peace; to break the boundaries between Muslims and Non-Muslim students; to promote peace through team work; and to empower students to build and spread peace towards the society. (D.R. Francisco/ Duyog Marawi News)