Photo by D.R.Francisco

MARAWI CITY, November 8, 2017–Peace building activities were conducted recently at Mindanao State University (MSU) by a peace volunteers.

These group of volunteers are under the Peace Building Project of Duyog Marawi MSU sector.

This was held at MSU – Institute for Peace and Development in Mindanao (IPDM) in the morning of November 5, 2017 and participated by 61 college and senior high school MSU students, excluding 19 staff and volunteers.

Dubbed as “Peace Building Activity Workshop,” the main objective of the activity was to initiate the participants into experiencing the rudiments of peace-building.

A prayer served as the opening salvo of the event, it was led by Ashari L. Malimgas, one of the volunteers, then, headed by Anaalia A. Mangacop the master of ceremony (emcee), the activities started.

Opened with a prayer by Ashari Malimgas, among the day’s activities were: the game “the boat is sinking”, where participants role-played the importance of unity in times of crisis; “My Shadow”, where they poured out some of their heartaches that become lighter once shared; and then the empathy game, where they saw the value of “do not do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you”.

The activity ended with the giving of certificates and announcements of the next activities and schedules of DM MSU sector. (D.R.Francisco/ Duyog Marawi News)